Thursday, October 6, 2011

Broga Hill's Grasses

Poaceae ( previously known as Gramineae ) is one of the largest plant families known to man.  A handful of the member of the Poaceae family were domesticated and cultivated in factory-farms for their seeds for human consumption.  

Except for some species enslaved as food crop, grasses at many other places are  liberated hippies, often regarded as nuisance unproductive weeds.  
But at the top of Broga Hill,  the they are royals.  Visitors are attracted to the hill for reason non-other than the picturesque landscape of grass dominated high land.

Pennisetum polystachyon and Imperata cylindrica dominate the hill, with some broadleaves struggling to survive. 

Here in Broga Hill, Pennisetum polystachyon is the King.  Tall and vigor, gentle yet strong.   While the Queen Imperata cylindrica.  Elegant, strong willed, dancing gracefully in the wind. 

Seasons come and go. 
Rainy and draught seasons… sunrises and sunsets…even mid-days and mid-nights …
The grasses grow and die, re-grow and die…

Crowd streaming in and out. 
Family and friends…elders and youngsters…love birds and litter bugs alike…
The grasses open-heartedly welcome all.